「やまとは くにの まほろば」 ТОPへ戻る

グレート・ハーロック〜   「ジークフリート」より
The hull of a Death Shadow itself has been finished mostly. It advances till the place which blows a surfacer this week.
The block portion under a rear is assembled. It is a stereotyped method generally. The wall of the side is made from a plastic board.
Height is adjusted and a partition of an inside is pasted up. The plastic board containing a slit is used also here.
But it is although it disappears also here since a fin is finally attached ....
The portion of a roof is pasted up by the 1.2mm plastic board, and an excessive portion is cut and it operates orthopedically.
Not a perfect plane but the delicate slope was expressed.
The basic form of the hull rear made now himself was completed. Although dozens of fins will be pasted up, it becomes, after blowing a surfacer.
It returns to the policy of the upper part of a hull shortly. Since the part of a kit can seldom be used, the foundation portion of a the bridge is made himself. First of all, a frame is constructed in this way with a plastic stick.
The part which can be used considerably also has a the bridge etc. It enters for also constructing them little by little and building.
A foundation portion pastes up a plastic board in this way, cuts a portion not much and operates it orthopedically.

Moreover, it is the work of the hull undersurface. a bow -- the block of slippage is also finished
The slope was attached here more than the hind block.
The whole is washed with detergent and it is preparation of a surfacer.

too .... I think that this Death Shadow will be completed at the very beginning "The premonition" has changed to "firm belief."
Outline was collected mostly and the point can be considerably seen. The detail is due to finish surfacer paint at once like a "Mahoroba", and to be carved after that. Since 3 boats was updated simultaneously this week, change an updating order.
It is due to become renewal of this "Death Shadow" next week.